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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​About NRRC


Our Services​

·     Who we are


·      Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Notifications

·     Board of Directors


·       Radiation Protection Officer Examination

·    Organization of the Commission


·       Training​

·   The NRRC Organizational Structure


·       Frequent Question​s

·    The NRRC Strategic Plan


·        ​Aman Portal


·       Beneficiary Services Portal​

Our ​Work



·   Nuclear Oversight and Radiological Practices

Legal Framework

·    Nuclear Security and Non-Proliferation

·       Legal Framework

·    Exports and Imports Control


·       National Policies in the Nuclear Field

·    National Nuclear Regulatory Register


·       Technical Regulations

·  Natural Radiation


·       NRRC Policies

·   Nuclear Emergency Operations


·       Instructions

·   Int Radiation Monitoring Information System-IRMIS


·       Standards and Specifications



·       Specific technical regulations




Int Cooperation and Instruments


Open Data

·  Cooperation and Instruments


·    Annual Reports

·   Multilateral Int Instruments


·    Statistics and Numbers

·   Bilateral Int Agreements


·    General Resources

·   Int Organizations


·   Open Data


·    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

Media Center

·   News


Nuclear and Radiation

·   ​Events

·   Nuclear and Radiation

·   Messages


·   Video Gallery​​