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​​​​The Power Reactor Information System (PRIS)

  The Power Reactor Information System (PRIS), developed and main​tained by the IAEA for over five decades, is a comprehensive database focusing on nuclear power plants worldwide. PRIS contains information on power reactors in operation, under construction, or those being decommissioned. All information and data items are collected by the IAEA via data providers nominated by Member States.  
The database covers:
o         Reactor specification data (status, location, operator, owner, suppliers, milestone dates) and technical design characteristics.
o         Performance data including energy production and energy loss data, outage, and operational event information.


Monthly production and power loss data have been recorded in PRIS since 1970 and are complemented by information on nuclear-power generated energy provided to non-electrical applications such as district heating, process heat supply, or desalination. Information relating to the decommissioning process of shutdown units is also available from PRIS.
A set of internationally accepted performance indicators has been developed for calculations with PRIS data. The indicators can be used for benchmarking, international comparison, or analyses of nuclear power availability and reliability according to reactor type, country, or worldwide. The analyses can, in turn, be applied to evaluations of nuclear power's competitiveness compared to other power sources.
In 2009 the new web-based PRIS-STATISTICS reporting system was developed, making PRIS reports globally available online. Global and plant-specific reports and graphs are created with a few mouse clicks. An integrated mapping system is also included.​