Last Update 10/22/2024 4:15 AM | Visits: 201
National Nuclear Regulatory Register
This register is one of the main components for achieving effective nuclear and radiological monitoring and oversight. It includes a national database that inventories nuclear materials, radioactive sources, and nuclear-related items, tracking their movement through import, export, ownership transfer, manufacturing, or mining. It also contains information about facilities and radiological practices and their logistical data. The national register keeps track of individuals working in the radiological field, their workplaces, and their radiation exposure doses, updating this information regularly and conducting immediate safety assessments to protect workers and address violations if radiation exposures exceed permissible limits.
The NRRC has enhanced digital transactions and eliminated paper-based processes, promoting the electronic transaction system and digital transformation in line with national directions. This has been achieved by electronically registering and inventorying radioactive sources and facility data and verifying this information in an intelligent and integrated manner through the national register system. The national nuclear register integrates with the regulatory operations system for licensing, review, evaluation, and inspection, where the verification of radioactive sources, nuclear materials, and nuclear-related items, as well as workers' radiation exposure, are essential parts of licensing processes, safety reviews, and inspections.
The national regulatory register is connected to the Nuclear Material Accounting and Control System (NMAC System).